1.16 Vanilla Updated to 20w14a

Activity Forums Group Forums Minecraft Minecraft Announcements 1.16 Vanilla Updated to 20w14a

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  • #520

    20w14a Update

    New Features in 20w14a

    Hoglins that somehow end up in the overworld become Zoglins fairly quickly – but who would ever bring a Hoglin to the Overworld?
    Compasses can now be enchanted with Curse of Vanishing


    Zoglins are zombified Hoglins – the result of bringing a Hoglin into the Overworld
    Unlike Hoglins they can’t be bred or fed, and they don’t care about warped fungus
    Beware – these beasts are raving mad and attack just about everything they see!

    Changes in 20w14a

    The main menu background is now in the Nether
    The General statistics list is now alphabetically sorted
    Strider balancing

    Strider Balancing

    Strider speed while mounted has been significantly increased to more closely resemble boat speeds
    Warped Fungus on a Stick now has 100 max item damage, and only takes 1 damage per Strider consume
    When Warped Fungus on a Stick is used with Striders, the boost is a great way to traverse the lava sea

    Technical Changes in 20w14a

    The compass now has LodestonePos, LodestoneDimension and LodestoneTracked data fields. If LodestoneTracked is zero, the game will skip checking for a Lodestone in the specified position.
    Attributes are now added to game registry, similar to items, sound events, etc.
    Region files are now opened in synchronous mode to increase reliability

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